Products > Lavatory Solution > Jibpool Compact Form System > Topia S
The Topia S system comes with a full set of corrosion resistant stainless steel (AISI 304 & 316 grade) ironmongeries. It is complemented with Solid Phenolic Panel that complies with the EN 438 European Standard.
The system is completed with 12mm thick panels for door, pilaster & division panel, with corrosion resistant AISI 304 & 316 grade stainless steel ironmongeries: angle bracket, gravity action hinge, indicator, door knob, doorstop hook, foot cover and aluminum handrail; all in strict accordance to manufacturer’s instruction.
- full height division panel for a stronger sense of privacy
- grand and luxury design
- relatively price competitive
- anti pilling, anti-bacteria (JIS Z 2801:2000)