2. Innovative Smart Information Station
– Display toilet vacancy, air quality index for toilet users
– User friendly infographic
– Real-time information
– Tailor-made interface design fits different style

3. Queue and Traffic Counting System

4. LED Indicator
– Easy identify whether the cubicle is occupied
– Can be tailor-made according to any design concept

5. Indoor Air Quality Tracking and Monitoring
– IAQ monitoring sensor to detect several parameters, including temperature, humidity, PM, CO, CO2, TVOC etc
– Instantly sense changes in the area and make pre-defined reactions
– Smoking alert available

6. Toilet Paper and Sanitizer Capacity Monitoring
– Built sensor to detects movement and instantly dispenses
– Auto low-level alert to the connected network to server

7. UVC Sanitizing Lighting System

8. Paper Towel and Smart Bin Sensor
– Connects original rubbish bin to the IOT network
– Ultrasonic and infrared technology used to measure the distance between smart bin and users
– Measures distance range from 2cm to 450cm

9. Innovative Smart Mirror
– Tailor-made content integration
– Attractive interface design to draw user’s attention to the content
10. Smart Dashboard with Color Recognition System
– User friendly interface

11. Mobile Friendly Dashboard with Real-time Alert
– Connect different types of devices including desktop, tablet, smartphones
– Real-time alert sent to different platforms including Whatsapp, SMS, Telegram, email etc…